Festival 2021: NEoN Digital Arts Festival Wired Women, Scotland: Water Makes Us Wet poster
The Fashion of Paper, Miami, Paper Dress fashion show by invitation: Tango dress
AIGA Miami World Day of Design, New World Gallery: Eco-poster
Point Blank Poster Exhibition, AIGA AIMIU Student Group, Miami International University of Art and Design: Child Poverty poster
Faculty Shows, Miami International University of Art and Design: Doublespeak Dictionary
Film Credit Water Makes Us Wet film: EARTH Lab Logo Design
New Design Miami: The Edge of Graphic Design
Interiors Magazine: Architectural glass
Review Magazine, Art Center: The Community Service Graphic Design Workshop
Arts Dean’s Award 2012
UC Santa Cruz Staff Recognition Award 2012
Faculty Award AIMIU 1998
AIGA American Institute of Graphic Arts, and faculty advisor to AIGA AIMIU Student Group
BABA Bay Area Book Artists
Book Arts Santa Cruz
Faculty sponsor: LGBTQ Club at Art Center
MAH book arts workshops: taught making of stab bindings and illuminated letters
AIGA student chapter: snorkeling in the Florida Keys
Ecosex Wedding, the Green Wedding, Beth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle: Beth‘s shoes
Attended letterpress and bookbinding workshops at San Francisco Center for the Book
Field trips to ad agency Crispin Porter & Bogusky, and signage firm, Beck & Graboski
Book Arts Santa Cruz
The Specious Messages of Images
Activist Graphics and Tactics
UI/UX Breakdown in Phone Trees & Non-Human Interactions